Howdy. This here blog is a way to keep in touch and let y'all know what we've found in Texas. By all means, feel free to comment. It lets me know you've been here. Miss you!
Justin Boots
For Christmas, I got a pair of Justin Boots--nothin' fancy, just good ol' sturdy cowboy boots from the Fort Worth based company that's been around since 1879 (OK, Justin, like four other well-known brands, is owned by Berkshire Hathaway, but...) Man are they comfy. When I get to visit a real city, like New York or Paris, where everyone walks, I'll be wearing these.
In August 2008, I moved with my family from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Fort Worth. Lloyd works at Dickies. Gwendolen is in first grade at Fort Worth Academy. I work for the Alzheimer's Association-North Central Texas Chapter spearheading an art program for people with dementia.
Bitchin Boots Babe
Standard equipment where you come from, I think. The only place to get them. I bought a pair of biker boots in Dallas that lasted me 12 years.
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