Remembering My First Car

With GM threatening to go under and bring the entire economy with it if the government doesn't give them another $25 billion, I can't help but think back on my 1973 Chevy Vega Hatchback. A "subcompact," it was GM's answer to the smaller, more energy efficient cars the 1970s market demanded. It wasn't perfect, but it was a blast to drive. Now GM's got the country by the balls claiming it needs govt money to "retool for innovation." What the ??? They've had 35 years to perfect the Vega! And don't tell me they didn't see this gas price thing coming...for three decades.
NYT Op Ed piece on GM


Michelle said...

Amen sister!!!!

SF said...

Was my first car too... sort of.

A friend let me caretake her Vega when she left the city for a month.

I didn't have a license, never even had gotten a permit. When she gave me the keys I drove it to the DMV and took the test, just making it.

Had to add a quart of oil to that car every 10 days.