Texas Ballet Theater

I saw the most amazing performance of the Texas Ballet Theater. First, Cincinnati Jane's Fort Worth cousin, Ellen, invited me. Ellen Appel is the official photographer for the ballet (and Opera) and a true arts lover. It was a one night stand for the Ballet, a benefit performance in the intimate Scott Theater. The very contemporary choreography by TBT's awesome Ben Stevenson and top notch dancing by the company dancers, all experienced up close and personal, made it one of the most enjoyable dance performances I've seen. Ellen tells me that TBT is able to attract such talented dancers because they all want to work with Stevenson. I don't doubt it.

Just mention the Ballet to anyone around here and they'll tell you about its much publicized financial trouble. The dancers took it upon themselves to help raise the needed $2 million. They took to the streets, literally, with a grass-roots fundraising campaign called "Get Behind Your Ballet" consisting of a night club fundraiser, shopping mall performances and bake/garage sales. Watch their feel good video on my space. Well, the Ballet has been saved. I just hope they'll do more performances like the one I saw tonight.

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