
I was so excited when the invitation to Dickies Holiday Party came: cocktails, dinner and dancing at the Fort Worth Club. Unfortunately, it was the same night as Fort Worth Academy's production of the Wizard of Oz...starring the kindergartners as Munchkins. They were pretty darn cute, but I would have rather been at the Dickies party.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I am thrilled to be introduced to your blog. I haven't visited one before. I love your narratives Lisa - omg - correct grammar, rich vocabulary, and vivid descriptions - such a far cry from the depths to which our language has sunk. Thank you!
Gwenny looks wonderful. I hope to catch you all for a few minutes when you next come to Carmel. I haven't seen her in person since she was six months old. I am due!
Happy Holidays to all,